The Latest Advances in App Accessibility Features

3 months ago
The Latest Advances in App Accessibility Features Image

App accessibility features like voice-to-text, adjustable digital display contrasts, and voice commands, supported by tech giants like Apple and Google, remove barriers for users with disabilities and improve user experience for millions of other users.

With over 16% of the world’s population living with disabilities, integrating these features opens a market with nearly $500 billion in purchasing power. Beyond ethical reasons, prioritizing accessibility is a strategic business move for growth.

The Strategic Imperative of Inclusivity in App Design

In the fiercely competitive digital landscape, integrating the latest advances in app accessibility features is not just about altruism—it’s a strategic move with substantial returns.

For forward-thinking CMOs and CTOs, the approach to digital product accessibility is not an afterthought but a core component of the user experience. This pivot from compliance to a competitive edge can bolster brand reputation, expand market reach, and enhance customer loyalty.

Consider the impact: 71% of users with disabilities will immediately leave an app that does not meet their accessibility needs. Imagine the advantage in user retention and acquisition when your digital product addresses these needs excellently.

Operating systems continuously introduce new accessibility features, which digital product owners must adopt to maximize benefits. The latest iOS and Android updates significantly advance accessibility. This article will explore these updates and offer tips for making digital products more inclusive.

A teenager with a hearing aid using a smartphone

The Latest Advances in Apple’s Accessibility Features

Voice Control for both Mac and iOS was introduced in 2019 with iOS 13. This marked a significant step towards more inclusive technology, making device use accessible for all.

Key highlights of Voice Control include:

  • Comprehensive control capabilities, from powering up devices to creating documents, all by voice
  • Enhanced diction and editing features, improving speech detection and making speech-to-text easier
  • The ability to distinguish between text and commands through voice inflection
  • Simple navigation commands and the introduction of “Overlays” for complex interactions
  • “Attention awareness” to detect user engagement based on gaze direction
  • On-device voice recognition processing for increased security and privacy

Apple’s latest updates, including built-in features, make technology accessible. For more information on these features, visit Apple’s accessibility page.

The Latest Advances in Google’s Accessibility Features

Google remains dedicated to making its products accessible to everyone. Android 10 introduced several significant accessibility enhancements to improve the user experience:

  • Live Caption: Automatically captions videos, spoken audio, and podcasts on-device, even without the internet.
  • Hearing Aid Support: Compatibility with a new open-source specification using Bluetooth LE, optimizing performance and battery life.
  • Android Accessibility Suite Improvements: This suite includes features like a large menu for screen lock, preferences for volume and brightness, switch access, and the TalkBack screen reader.

These are just a few examples of Google’s ongoing efforts to create a more inclusive digital world. Live Caption continues to evolve, offering support in more languages and enhanced experiences on tablets and during calls. For the latest information, refer to Google’s accessibility resources.

Insights To Influence Integration

Grasping how different users engage with technology is critical to intelligent decision-making in app design. Accessibility lawsuits have jumped 64% since 2019, showing a solid push for inclusivity (UsableNet). Adding cutting-edge accessibility features to your app isn’t just to avoid legal issues—it positions your app as a leader in creating a forward-thinking, inclusive digital world.

Woman in wheelchair having discussion with man at table.

Implementing Accessibility as a Strategic Differentiator

Evaluate your position in the app market and consider accessibility as a means to mitigate the threat of substitution. An app that everyone can easily use has fewer equivalents. Leverage this unique selling proposition to cement your app’s presence in users’ everyday lives.

When redesigning or developing your app, integrate accessibility with intention. Ensure that your team incorporates the following steps:

  1. Seek Deep Understanding: Consult with an expert and hire from within the community. Invest in experienced research, UX, development, and QA roles with intimate knowledge of accessibility guidelines.
  2. Conduct User Research: Compile data on the needs and behaviors of users with disabilities to inform your design decisions.
  3. Embed Accessibility in Design: Design with inclusivity by considering accessibility at the onset, avoiding later costs of modifications.
  4. Regularly Update Features: Stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements to ensure your app adapts and continues to meet accessibility standards.

Actionable Takeaways for Digital Product Development

To pragmatically incorporate these insights into your digital product development process, consider the following action points:

  • Start with accessibility at the forefront of your project.
  • Chart a roadmap for integrating accessibility features, emphasizing a phased approach to ensure thorough implementation.
  • Train your product teams on accessibility best practices, ensuring that inclusivity is a skill set, not a checkbox.

Implementing cutting-edge accessibility features is imperative for digital product designers who aspire to lead, not follow. Clearly, your brand values every user and is invested in cultivating a truly inclusive digital experience.


Prioritizing accessibility in digital experiences is ethically sound and opens up a significant untapped market. This approach goes beyond compliance, demonstrating thought leadership and empathetic design while anticipating future trends. By embedding inclusivity at the core of your strategy, your brand will be recognized for innovation and inclusivity in the tech industry.

Accessibility functionalities in apps break down barriers for users with visual, auditory, or motor disabilities. Propelled by Apple and Google’s acknowledgment of tech’s empowering role, their prevalence has surged. At InspiringApps, we’re architects of digital inclusivity, advancing digital experiences for all.

If you have questions about what accessibility looks like in apps or want help to build accessibility features into your digital product, reach out to our team today.

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InspiringApps: A Business Perspective on Building Mobile Apps was written to help you evaluate ideas and turn the best ones into a genuinely successful app for use within your company or for consumer sale.
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App Accessibility: Valuable for All Apps

App accessibility refers to the concept of building an app in such a way that it is usable by people with the widest possible range of abilities, including those who are living with disabilities. While the ADA’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) doesn’t have a separate rulebook for mobile apps, it’s still the gold standard for making them accessible. Even from a pragmatic perspective, one billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability, so overlooking app accessibility reduces your potential user base significantly. What makes an app accessible? The first step in making an app accessible for everyone is creating a clean, intuitive design that users of different abilities can easily navigate. If your interface isn’t easy for people who have no impairments to use, it will be even more of a struggle for people who do.  But we must also consciously design for different types of disabilities. 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This is equally as important as creating specialized apps for people with disabilities. “From mobile banking to staying connected, there are so many essential things you simply can’t do without a phone these days. As designers, we are responsible for ensuring our apps are fully accessible so no one is excluded from these critical aspects of daily life.” —BECCA COLLINS, UI/UX DESIGNER, INSPIRINGAPPS Example: Empath We improved visual accessibility for users of the Empath app, an app built to enable people to share their feelings in a safe environment. Empath features a feed where users post and read updates about how others are doing. The initial build of the app was not dynamic, and all users were forced to read the smaller fonts typically displayed. To broaden app accessibility, we implemented Apple’s Dynamic Type in critical parts of the app. Dynamic Type allows users to indicate their preferred reading size (within a range). Apps that support Dynamic Type then adjust to the preferred reading size automatically. This feature benefits people with disabilities and those who require larger print as they age. Adding Dynamic Type was not simply a developer effort but also a design one—our designers had to consider ways other elements on the screen would dynamically change so that the app looked beautiful and functioned well, regardless of what size type was employed. Example: My Meals My Way Good Nutrition Ideas collaborated with InspiringApps to develop the My Meals My Way mobile app, which simplifies meal planning for individuals with disabilities and older adults. Users can create unique profiles, build meals based on their needs, and share both meals and shopping lists with caregivers. The app strongly emphasizes accessibility in several ways, including: Profile building based on the user’s dietary and eating needs Ensuring high color contrast Providing text descriptions and captions for images Embedded app tutorial videos with voiceover and captions Accessibility labeling of interactive elements to support Voice Control navigation Dynamic Type compatible fonts and scalable UI elements that give users the ability to set preferred reading sizes Offering an intuitive user experience with clear directions and consistent design throughout the platform Building an inclusive experience was our goal. Accessibility audits, user feedback, and best practices guided every decision in content, design, and development. What resources exist to develop accessible apps? Making your app accessible doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Here are some free resources to streamline the process and ensure you reach the widest possible audience. POUR Principles The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are an international set of guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the web’s governing body. These guidelines, which form the basis of most web accessibility laws worldwide, are based on the “POUR” principles: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust. The POUR principles make it easy to remember the guidelines for creating an accessible app: Perceivable: Information should be presented in multiple ways, such as providing text descriptions for images, using captions, and ensuring good color contrast. Operable: Users should have the ability to navigate and interact with the app using various methods. Think clear structure, descriptive links, and keyboard accessibility. Understandable: The app’s interface and content should be easy to comprehend. In other words, provide clear instructions, consistent design, and plain language. Robust: The app must support various assistive technologies and user needs by including descriptive metadata and conducting accessibility testing. The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) provides extensive information on accessibility best practices and guidelines, including a free course on making digital technology accessible and detailed documentation on mobile accessibility mapping. Apple & Google Accessibility Standards Both iOS and Android also offer complete accessibility guidelines, as well as several phone-based features for mobile developers to employ. Some highlights: Apple’s VoiceOver. Developers can integrate VoiceOver in an app to change how the system interprets taps and swipes, augmenting usability for the visually impaired. The Accessibility Inspector for iOS runs through the app to find common accessibility issues and provides a live preview of all accessibility elements within the app. Google’s TalkBack is a built-in screen reader for Android devices. When TalkBack is on, users can interact with their devices without seeing the screen. Switch Access from Google lets motor-impaired users interact with Android devices using a switch (like an external keyboard or buttons) instead of the touch screen. Beyond what we’ve mentioned, there is a whole world of features that can make your app truly inclusive. The good news is that new tools are constantly emerging to empower even more users. Accessibility Benefits Everyone The benefits of accessibility extend far beyond those with disabilities. Consider these everyday situations: Busy morning commute? Voice commands let users navigate hands-free. In a noisy environment? Subtitles ensure users don’t miss a beat. Is sunshine making your screen glare? Increased font size offers a comfortable reading experience. The truth is that features designed for accessibility make your app more user-friendly for everyone. This translates to a wider audience, a better user experience, and a more successful app. The more people who can easily access, navigate, and engage with an app, the more successful it will be. Ready to make your app accessible? We’re here to help! Contact us to discuss how to easily integrate accessibility features into your app.

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