Using Mobile Apps to Enhance a Physical Product: The monkii App

22 days ago
Using Mobile Apps to Enhance a Physical Product: The monkii App Image

Apps are a regular part of life these days, doing everything from connecting us to friends to helping us buy products we like to guiding our adventures in a new town. Most of the time, apps stand alone in their functionality, but apps can also be utilized to enhance user experience with a physical product. We recently built such a companion app for fitness company,, and you might find your company’s product could benefit from something similar. When done well, a product/app combination can lead to new market opportunities and increased sales. is a Boulder-based company “dedicated to outfitting customers with high-quality training tools and honest training programs to empower them to pursue a life of adventure.” monkii bars 2 is their portable, lightweight training tool comprised of a pair of batons connected with climbing-grade suspension material. These bars can be used outside by attaching them to a sturdy branch or inside by sitting atop a closed door. provides a variety of exercises to their customers, affectionately referred to as monkiis, to help them get the most from their workout time. monkiis have embraced the training tool because it allows them to get a total body workout without being stuck in a regular gym.

Hands on Monkii Bars
The Challenge

The company learned that monkiis loved the training tool, but they couldn’t fully utilize the system when they were exercising outdoors. Jared Arp, David Hunt, and Dan Vinson of realized that, if they created a companion app that could deliver the training programs, the monkiis could have the full benefit of the system, regardless of where they went. They did not know what it would take to build an app, only that it would be an investment requiring time and a talented development company. The team went on a quest to find an app development company to help create their vision.
Man Using Monkii Bars Outside
They talked with many companies before connecting with InspiringApps. Unlike others they met with, our CEO Brad quickly understood their vision and could visualize the app in the way the team intended. It was extremely important for their development partner to share their vision. As Jared Arp, Chief Napkin Sketcher at stated, “As simple as it sounds, Brad could repeat back to us what we wanted and offer ideas that were in the same vein without pivoting in another direction. We have a very unique and specific brand, and the app would not work if it was half our brand and half InspiringApps’ brand. Brad understood that and was committed to make the app look and function in the way we wanted it to.”

The monkii App Solution

Like many startups, had a fixed budget for app creation. To meet their budget, InspiringApps recommended creating a minimally viable product (MVP) to get an app into monkii hands quickly. An MVP contains just enough features for users to benefit from the app, without going overboard with bells and whistles that may never get used. InspiringApps also recommended building the app on only one platform to begin with (the team chose iOS) to get feedback from monkiis to guide future enhancements and the creation of the Android app.

Today, both the iOS version and the Android version of the app, simply called monkii, are available in the app stores. Jared reflects, “The app that InspiringApps created for us is impactful because it adds another layer to the product. The app is interactive through touching and swiping that allows monkiis to enjoy a self-paced workout. monkiis don’t have to spend time figuring out the app. They can jump right in and find what they need quickly. In addition, it’s beautiful that monkiis will stumble upon a new workout in the app and learn about things they didn’t previously know.”


Monkii App in Screens

The Results for

After only a few weeks of availability in both Apple’s App Store and the Google Play store, the monkii app has been downloaded over 5,000 times, in over 50 countries. It has earned 5-star ratings and excellent reviews. Jared adds, “monkiis are really stoked on it! We wanted to make an app unlike other fitness apps. A lot of fitness apps simply instruct users in a video as the user follows, which feels very passive. The app we built provides interaction for our monkii community and will eventually help build that community. The monkiis are excited about the app and using it alongside the training tool will provide an awesome workout in any location.” We encourage you to try it out if you’re interested in mixing up your workouts!

In addition to helping monkiis, the app will also help enhance their product and the workouts they offer. The app provides feedback about which workouts monkiis complete most frequently and whether they like or dislike the workout. This data will allow the company to make product improvements, catch early trends with their tool, and create more workouts that monkiis enjoy.

We are thrilled to be part of the success of and would love the opportunity to help your company take a physical product to the next level with a companion app. Please get in touch if you have a product that might benefit from such an app.

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Have an idea? We help clients bring ideas to life through custom apps for phones, tablets, wearables, and other smart devices.
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Choosing the Right App Solution for Your Digital Product Identifying Your Goals The first step in choosing the right app is clearly defining its purpose. Ask yourself: What problem are you trying to solve? What need are you fulfilling for your users? Do you want to inform, educate, entertain, or facilitate specific tasks? Understanding your objectives will guide your selection process. For example, if your goal is to educate users about a complex topic, a web app might be suitable because it offers in-depth information and interactive elements. Conversely, if your goal is to provide a convenient on-the-go shopping experience, a mobile app might be more appropriate due to its offline functionality and integration with device features like cameras for product scanning. Considering Your Audience Once you know your goals, analyze your target audience and their digital habits: Who are you trying to reach? What devices do they use most frequently? How do they typically access information? Aligning the app type with your audience’s preferences is crucial for its success. A mobile app might be essential if your target demographic primarily uses smartphones. However, a website or web app could be sufficient if the focus is on desktop users. Understanding your audience’s platform preferences and digital behaviors will help you choose the most accessible and engaging format. Prioritizing Your App’s Core Features Next, identify the essential features needed to achieve your goals and meet your target audience’s needs. Consider: What core features are necessary for your app to function effectively? What additional features could enhance the user experience? Are there any limitations specific to different app types (e.g., offline functionality)? Balance your essential functionalities with potential limitations. For instance, if real-time notifications are crucial for your app, a mobile or web app might be better than a website. A mobile app might be most suitable if extensive offline functionality is critical. Cost & Development Considerations Finally, compare the development costs, ongoing maintenance needs, and resource requirements for each app type: What is your budget for app development and maintenance? Do you have the technical resources or plan to outsource development? Research development costs associated with each app type (websites, web apps, mobile apps) and consider ongoing maintenance needs. While websites might be initially cheaper to develop, they might require more maintenance depending on their complexity. Mobile apps often have higher development costs but offer unique functionalities and deeper user engagement. Weigh the cost and resource implications against your budget and available resources to make an informed decision. Ideal Use Cases Consider social media giant Instagram and ride-hailing service Uber as successful examples of mobile-first applications. These apps leverage smartphone features like GPS, contacts, and cameras to deliver a seamless user experience. While both offer web versions, their key functionalities and user experiences are optimized for mobile use. On the other hand, platforms like Canva, a graphic design tool, launched as web apps to allow users to work on larger screens better suited for design work. They extended to native mobile apps later to provide mobile users with accessibility for lighter tasks. When & Why To Opt for Each Situations Favoring a Web App Web apps are particularly beneficial when you need an application that processes and displays large volumes of data.  If you want broad accessibility and functionality across various devices without forcing users to download and install your software. Why a Mobile App Might Be Your Best Bet For businesses aiming to engage deeply with their users on a personal level, offer a highly interactive UX, and leverage device-specific features, a mobile app may be the more strategic choice.  Additionally, apps that require regular offline access, such as note-taking apps or e-reading apps, work better as mobile apps due to their ability to sync data when online and continue functioning in offline mode. Websites or a Platform Approach Think of a digital brochure for your business or an educational blog combined with an online store. Search engines easily index websites, making them a great way to attract and educate your customers. You may benefit from a platform approach—in other words, a digital ecosystem with a website and a web and mobile app, meeting users where they are. Additional Considerations Security & Data Privacy Regardless of the app type you choose, it’s crucial to prioritize user data security and privacy. This includes implementing robust security measures, adhering to data privacy regulations, and being transparent with users about how their data is collected, stored, and used. Download our free security checklist for the InspiringApps teams’ blueprint for app security. Future-Proofing Your App Consider the potential for future growth and technological advancements when choosing an app type. Choose an option that can scale with your business needs and adapt to evolving technologies. Consider the flexibility and adaptability of each app type in terms of future updates and integration with emerging technologies. Beyond the Screen: Where Your Customers Live & the Apps They Need Deciding between a web and mobile app isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Your choice should align with your business needs and target user preferences. By following these steps and considering these additional factors, you can make a well-informed decision about the app type that best suits your needs. Your goal: deliver the right features at the right place to your customers.

5 months ago

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